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Posts: 975




 Subject:  Re: Oh heck, how do I change me sig?
20/11/2007 12:44 GMT

one suggestion.  There's a problem with the editor which won't allow updates if you haven'tset your birthdate.  You don't have to be honest, but it does need to be set in order to allow updates.

One day I may have time to fix it.

Never settle with words when a flamethrower! is much more fun


Posts: 146



 Subject:  Re: Oh heck, how do I change me sig?
20/11/2007 10:48 GMT

Thanks for this, PunHeaven. I haven't done anything more about it because I have been hiding in the corner with the Valium Ray from my children. Yeah, that's the message all right. What now, Zaphod ? Would like to change mine as well. Help.


Posts: 771



 Subject:  Re: Oh heck, how do I change me sig?
28/10/2007 23:40 GMT

zaphod :

'I'm afraid I can't really help you until I know more about the problem.  You mentioned error messages.  It would help immensely if you could actually post the message here so I can see what's going on with it.

I've just had the same problem myself when I was trying to change my sig.

The error message looks like this:

I'm not sure if that helps, but any suggestions would be welcome.

"I banged my floor on the head with joy." Tim Brooke-Taylor

Posts: 975




 Subject:  Re: Oh heck, how do I change me sig?
15/07/2007 01:14 GMT

mynameishelga :

' I've just tried to retype all the info as you did, (with my spare brain - i.e. my son - supervising....) no luck. Just more error messages !!!! It knows I am coming from Sweden !! Help Lisa....

Hi mynameishelga,

Sorry to take so long getting back to you about this problem.

I'm afraid I can't really help you until I know more about the problem.  You mentioned error messages.  It would help immensely if you could actually post the message here so I can see what's going on with it.

Unfortunately there's a million things which might be wrong (but I can't see anything wrong myself as I've just changed my and it worked fine), so I need more information.

Never settle with words when a flamethrower! is much more fun


Posts: 4549




 Subject:  Re: Oh heck, how do I change me sig?
13/07/2007 16:09 GMT

mynameishelga :

' I've just tried to retype all the info as you did, (with my spare brain - i.e. my son - supervising....) no luck. Just more error messages !!!! It knows I am coming from Sweden !! Help Lisa....

This is actually a question for our amazing webmaster, zaphod. I'll drop him a note, in case he hasn't dropped by this forum in a few days (I know he's been busy with some site maintenance).


Posts: 146



 Subject:  Re: Oh heck, how do I change me sig?
13/07/2007 08:17 GMT

I've just tried to retype all the info as you did, (with my spare brain - i.e. my son - supervising....) no luck. Just more error messages !!!! It knows I am coming from Sweden !! Help Lisa....


Posts: 184



 Subject:  Re: Oh heck, how do I change me sig?
12/07/2007 20:23 GMT

Now here's a thing...

If I went into 'my settings' and just changed my sig, it gave me an error message.

If I went in and re-typed my name, password, etc etc, and re-entered all the info, it seemed to work.  At least me sig's gone.


Posts: 146



 Subject:  Re: Oh heck, how do I change me sig?
10/07/2007 08:40 GMT

I've had the same dilemma trying to change my email address & etc. I did seek a remedy and helpful people did try to come to my aid but I am easily side-tracked....
when you find out what to do I'll be listening.


Posts: 184



 Subject:  Oh heck, how do I change me sig?
10/07/2007 07:25 GMT

... Coz it does make me look rather like a twat! 

There was some joke going around that made it funny a year or so ago when I joined, but whatever it was, I've forgotten it now so I'm pretty sure everyone else has too. 

I've gone to 'my settings' and tried to change it - along with my email address, which is no longer one I use, and my personal details which are a complete ork of fiction - and it tells me the page is saved, but then when I go back and view my profile, it's not changed.

Sorry about this, but is there a knack to it?


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