Posts: 270

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
23/12/2024 16:29 GMT
Ah Bluray recorder, I was wondering what people these days use to convert their tapes across. I have done this also and process works well. Although VOB files can be rather large and are in mpeg2 format. Highest quality on these 'bluray' recorders is circa 2 Gigabytes per episode (vob format spreads video out over files of up to 1gig in size). Best to convert to a different file format for distribution.
I use the free 'handbrake' app ( https://handbrake.fr/downloads.php ) to convert video files (or DVD/VOB files) to x264 or x265 codec, which makes them much smaller. It is easy to use.
Here is an example I digitised a while back on my RCA to Digital Video converter box: (ADVC300) and then using Handbrake. (have to update this video one day as found I am missing a couple of ads...) This is via 264 codec and so reduces 35mins of video to circa 345Mb file. https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/9bh35lqj23yxezt/The_Goodies_Adverts_1970-82.mp4/file
I hope the 40+ year old videos are still usable, I converted my early 1980s beta original tapes of star wars movies a couple of years ago, and was surprised they still worked. Hardware (video players) can be an issue, as having them in working condition can be a challenge if not used for a while. They don't make stuff to last these days. eg: my cylinder player (1910s) (ie before vinyl, before 78rpms) still works as does the cylinders to play on it - they will all outlive me, built to last - not so much things these days. Example : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5kSJo0H3aA
They are no digital storage formats that reliably last longer than 30 years. Hard drives might work 10-15 years, USB Sticks /SSD only 1-3 years in storage (as if not used/'refreshed' they loose voltage/integrity). Recordable CDs/DVDs/Bluray discs might still work after 25-30 years if kept in optimal storage - but will you have something that still works and can read it in 30 years time, with everything going streaming - physical formats are not being used anymore. Only way around is to rotate your backups / and format shift before your existing storage format becomes obsolete. Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!" |
Posts: 8

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
14/10/2024 07:38 GMT
jeepers, that's gonna cost a bit in postage isn't it?..... |
Posts: 10

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
14/10/2024 04:02 GMT
Posts: 8

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
14/10/2024 01:52 GMT
All good, I have digitised all of my old VHS tapes from ABC broadcasts like Doctor Who etc. It's a fun hobby. I run the tapes through a blu-ray recorder and thus have them as DVD files (VOB files). I can put them on Google Drive and share them for those interested. If you are happy with that, we can then discuss postage etc. How many tapes are you looking at sending do you think? |
Posts: 10

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
14/10/2024 01:50 GMT
All of these tapes are 40 years old. They were last watched in 2005 by my younger brother (born 20 years after me, so he was born in 93) because he hadn't seen the goodies. So it would be good to see them available to all. You can relive your childhood. |
Last modified: 14/10/2024 01:52 GMT by bytrapper
Posts: 10

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
14/10/2024 01:45 GMT
If others will vouch for you, then i have no problem sending them to you so long as they are shared with everyone. |
Posts: 8

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
14/10/2024 01:44 GMT
If the tapes are in good nick and have no mould on them, I can certainly digitise them and share them with the group. I would love to have a hand in preserving them! |
Posts: 10

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
14/10/2024 01:31 GMT
But if you want to re-live abc back then, the vhs's i have contain a LOT. And if someone will seriously digitise them, I'll send them ALL the tapes. But you must have previously done the same thing to help the community. There would be a lot of memories for a lot of people on them. |
Posts: 10

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
14/10/2024 01:26 GMT
I know, but there was different editing on the repeats that was on the 80's versions of the shows but not on the repeats. |
Posts: 8

Subject: Re: The Goodies UK.TV transmission dates Australia
14/10/2024 01:20 GMT
yes The Goodies was certainly edited by the ABC to make it more kiddy friendly in the timeslots that it was shown in.... |