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The Goodies In Sweden
The Goodies In Sweden - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 24/11/2012


» The Goodies In Sweden

(by Isabell Olevall)
Inspired by Andrew Pixley and his work to unearth details surrounding The Goodies, I wanted to find out if the program was ever broadcast in my country. It is an ongoing project, and I recently discovered some new information. My sources have been the viewer service of Swedish national TV (SVT), and the old Radio/TV guide "Röster i Radio TV" which is no longer published.
The hard facts: The Goodies broadcast on Swedish Television
The title of the show was translated to "Godisarna", which would be equivalent to "The Goodies" aka "the good guys". This is not a word commonly used in Swedish in that sense, it also means "the sweets/candies" (or, if you're French, "Les Bonbons"…).
In the Swedish Television database, the program is labeled as "English comedy series with Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie". Ten episodes from 1974 and 1976 are in the database, all labeled with "no archive". However, I have found two more episodes in the Radio/TV guide, which suggests that there might be a few incorrect pieces of info in that database.
There is at this point in my research no information suggesting that The Goodies was ever dubbed to Swedish. The question of whether any of the episodes were censored or not is also unclear, as the SVT viewer service refused to give me all the information in the database (I suspect they felt it was too much work, clicking on links and sending me the running length of all the episodes).
At the moment of writing, November 15 2012, I have found that the following broadcastings of The Goodies was made in Sweden:
1972       September 8         Kitten Kong
The accompanying article in the Radio/TV guide describes the contents of the show as "hair raising and surreal", and along the same lines as Monty Python's Flying Circus. The guide also mentions that The Goodies had won the Silver Rose in Montreux with Kitten Kong, so this must be the Montreux version. The Montreux Festival that year took place in early May, and on May 12 SVT broadcast a report from the festival – The Goodies and Kitten Kong would definitely have been featured in that program. The amusing thing is that Swedish TV broadcast the Silver Rose winner Kitten Kong the same year as the festival took place, but the Gold Rose winner of 1972 wasn't broadcast until August 30 1974 – it was Austria, with a surreal Monty Python-like comedy program.
1974      March 1                 8.30pm               The New Office
Not included in the database, this broadcast suggests some sort of trial for The Goodies, as it is the first of five episodes that are broadcast a few months later. The Radio/TV guide gets things horribly wrong in the accompanying article, claiming that "They are called 'goodies' in this series, but they have also performed under the name Monty Python."
April 29                                8.30pm                The New Office
Database title translated straight to Swedish, "Det nya kontoret". (series 3 ep 1)
May 6                                  8.30pm                 Hunting Pink
Database title translated to "A Passionate Hunter" in Swedish, "En passionerad jägare". (series 3 ep 2)
May 13                                8.30pm                 Winter Olympics
Database title translated straight to Swedish, "Vinterolympiad". (series 3 ep 3)
May 20                                8.30pm                 For Those In Peril On The Sea
Database title translated to "Outing/Expedition in Viking Ship" in Swedish, "Utflykt med vikingaskepp" (series 3 ep 5)
May 31                               8.30pm                  Superstar
Database title translated to "Bill becomes a popstar" in Swedish, "Bill blir popstjärna" (series 3 ep 7)
1975                 December 11                       The Movies
Not included in the database, as I'm writing this I have just discovered this broadcast date (broadcast time unknown at the moment). See below for more info on the 1976 broadcast of the episode.
1976                 April 16             6.30pm       The Movies
Not included in the database, this was broadcast on Good Friday at a fairly family friendly time compared with the 1972 run. The Radio/TV guide calls this "The Goodies' Film Feast" and mentions that it won the Silver Rose in Montreux in 1975.
June 27                                      8pm            Clown Virus
Database title given as Clown Virus. The Radio/TV guide has a long article about The Goodies (a full two page spread + some more text on a later page). Typically, the photos accompanying the article are all from the recording of Rome Antics, an episode not broadcast in this run. The article starts with the story about Alex Mitchell who died laughing to the Kung Fu Kapers episode. (series 5 ep 2)
July 4                                       8pm               Bunfight at the O.K. Tearooms
No title given in database, but there is an episode synopsis in the Radio/TV guide. (series 5 ep 12)
July 11                                    8pm                South Africa
No title given in database, but there is an episode synopsis in the Radio/TV guide. (series 5 ep 11)
July 18                                   8pm                 Light House Keeping Loonies
No title given in database, but there is an accompanying article in the Radio/TV guide. (series 5 ep 8)
August 1                                8pm                 Fleet Street Goodies
Database title given as Cunning Stunts. (series 5 ep 10)

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