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Goodies Gingerbread House Contest 2011
Gingerbread 2011 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 08/02/2012


» Gingerbread 2011

(by Isabell Olevall)
The idea for this contest came to me already in December 2010. A friend and her husband had, as is traditional for many families in Sweden, made a gingerbread house. It wasn't an ordinary gingerbread house in the shape of a little cottage – it was… a lighthouse. And I thought of Lighthouse Keeping Loonies – and felt there really should be a gingerbread house contest for the Goodies fandom. And since it really was too close to Christmas to get the thing off the ground I decided to wait nearly a year.
It all could have ended right there, because I nearly forgot about it. And it could have been kept in the planning stages to this day, had I not finally asked for input and feedback from Goodies Podcaster Jeffers & Jane, Saucy Gibboneer Jess and GROK President Lisa.
The contest was launched at the end of October 2011, with a blog on and an accompanying twitter account at . Where originally I had planned on one contest class only, for gingerbread houses, I thought that adding a decoration class would help pull in people who were uncertain of their gingerbread building skills (but obviously I saw no problem with people being uncertain of their icing skills!). There weren't many entrants, but enough to make sure there would be winners in both classes – and even public voting for a winner of one of the classes.
At the end of the voting in December 2011, I was happy to announce that there were indeed winners:
In the decoration class, the winner was Jenny Doyle from the UK. She was the only entrant, with a cut out gingerbread biscuit iced to look like the Goodies doing the Funky Gibbon. Dungarees and all!
In the gingerbread house class, the winner was Helen Randle, also from the UK. She got the most number of votes for her gingerbread house inspired by episode "The New Office", with a gingerbread biscuit cut and iced to look like the trio on the trandem pulling a gingerbread house cottage.
Runner up in the gingerbread house class was the third entrant of the contest – and I just realised how suitable it was with THREE entrants for a Goodies contest – all the way from Australia, podcasting couple Jeff and Jane Walker together with Jane's niece Ashleigh. Their contribution was a gingerbread house cottage with impressive icicles along the roof edges, and with a likeness of the trandem on the roof their entry was suitably titled "Trandem Cottage".
A contest is not complete without prizes, and there were a number of items to choose from, very kindly donated by Lisa and by Jeff & Jane themselves, along with a prize I had supplied. As it happens, both Jenny and Helen picked prizes donated by Jeff & Jane, and our podcasting friends asked their runner up prize to be recycled into the prize pack.
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all who have made this idea possible, from input during the planning stages, pushing the contest online and on the podwaves, donating prizes, casting a vote in the final stages. A special thank you to the contestants of course – without you the whole thing would have fallen completely flat!
I'm hoping to do another Goodies Gingerbread Contest at the end of 2012 – and I challenge you ALL to take part in it! ;-) So start planning, Goodies fans, there will be just one class this time around – create whatever you want, as long as it's in gingerbread and connected to The Goodies!
Best regards from Sweden,
Decoration Class winner - Jenny Doyle
House Class winner - Helen Randle
House Class runner-up - Jane, Jeff & Ashleigh

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