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Posts: 350



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
04/06/2006 06:04 GMT

Oh, now this is so unfair. I have a massive list of all of the books and DVDs and CDs and what not that I simply MUST get and it's not getting any shorter. Now I've remembered to add A Liar's Autobiography to it. Who'd've thought it'd be so difficult to find all of these things?

A few months ago I got a homework project which asked me to research an important speech of the 20th Century. And, being me, of course I did John's eulogy for Graham! It was truly one of the most enjoyable and yet saddest projects I've had to do. I would've loved to include Tim's eulogy as well, if I'd known he had done one.

Anyway, this isn't really a thread for Graham (oops, almost wrote Graeme there!) so I'll include something about Tim:

Goody Goody Yum Yum, you naughty little boy!

"I cannot talk to a man who bears an undeserved animosity towards ferrets." -- Graham Chapman

Posts: 1269



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
04/06/2006 05:11 GMT

Well done    It's not a bad read - Graham Chapman was a very intelligent man and had a fantastic grasp of the english language - very funny 

Bill : I know when I'm licked cos it feels lovely !

Posts: 771



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
04/06/2006 05:03 GMT

I'm turning this double-posting lark into an art form.

Anyway, I just bought A Liar's Autobiography from Booktopia (because I wasn't sure how available it is in shops) and am looking forward to reading it.

"I banged my floor on the head with joy." Tim Brooke-Taylor

Posts: 771



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
04/06/2006 02:24 GMT

Those naughty, naughty boys

"I banged my floor on the head with joy." Tim Brooke-Taylor

Posts: 1269



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
04/06/2006 01:13 GMT

jodievdw :

' '
PunHeaven :

'  I can't help wondering what their flat must have been like...

I've heard bad things about their kitchen...  (Not that that'll come as a shock to anyone who's seen male uni students' experiments in housesharing.)

Do tell Jodes ...spill the goss!!
jodievdw :

'Never fear, Spev, I don't know the brothel story either (I GOTTA get that book...) but I'm sure they were just upholding a young maiden's honour, or rescuing a puppy from a fire or a cat up a tree or something.  Yeah.  That's it.

Hehehe ..Yeah you two keep telling yourselves that...Graham and Tim were both naughty little boys...I love it...
JessPix :

'Oh, I love A Liar's Autobiography, it's my favourite book. I'm a big Graham Chapman nut, he's absolutely adorable. My first proper introduction to Tim was from reading A Liar's Autobiography, so all I knew about him before The Goodies was the stuff that happened in New Zealand and the tale of the Hong Kong massage parlour! 

Tim and Graham's friendship is something which interests me a great deal, from A Liar's Autobiography it's clear that they had a good friendship, but I don't really know much about them after the 1948 Show, when they branched off into Python and The Goodies. I like to think they continued to have a good friendship after that time. It's nice to see them together in the 1981 Secret Policeman's Ball, I adore the Card Dance they do.

I get the impression that their friendship remained solid enev when they weren't working together as much in later years.  Tim was the second person to read a eulogy at Graham's 'funeral' and the second person to say the 'F' word (after Cleese) at a memorial service.  I bet that would have tickled Graham's funny bone.  His humour was very dry and the fact that he was so good looking it is not surprising that he was so successful with both the girls and the guys 

Bill : I know when I'm licked cos it feels lovely !

Posts: 608



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
04/06/2006 01:10 GMT

Hi all!

It's 1.48am, I'm not sleepy, I don't have anything better to do, so here's Graham's account of the Hong Kong massage parlour. I apologise in advance for the number of typos that they'll be.

It was our last day in Hong Kong, f**k it, and that's what Tim and I decided we should do. While John was buying another camera we explained to Mrs Lee that we had to post some letters and would meet her back outside the camera shop in a ‘few minutes’. We ran off down the street and found the Japanese massage parlour that we’d both not noticed earlier. We ran up the stairs to find ourselves in front of a door with a tiny spy-hole in it. Tim wanted to run away, so did I, but being foolish I pressed the bell. Someone looked at us. Tim was by now giggling with fear, and the thought that he might have his pr***k rubbed. ‘Bring bring bring’ went the bell, because they always do in stupid lying narratives like this. The door opened. ‘Creak creak’ it went, again as they always do, and we both rather staggered at the sight of a Japanese-style Chinese girl wearing a kimono and a bottle of scent. We both fainted. But the heavy scent and the overwhelming hint of sex soon roused us. Tim was taken off to have a Turkish bath, and I was taken in to be massaged.


A young Chinese gentlemen came in and gave my back a right pasting, culminating in him walking up and down both sides of my spine. Absolute bloody agony. But I didn’t dare cry out as I knew Tim would hear me.

Eventually the torture was finished, and I went through to the Turkish bath, passing Tim on the way. We both gave indications that we were enjoying things tremendously, and while in the bath I waited to hear Tim’s screams when the man walked all over his back. He didn’t scream. Damn the British. I left the bath and was asked by the young lady whether I would like to be assisted in my shower. I replied automatically, ‘Oh, no, quite all right, thank you. Oh. Wait a minute. Um. Well, perhaps.’ Too late. She had taken me literally.

Tim and I left feeling radiant - well, not radiant, horny really. I found out that he had also refused ‘assistance’. We both regretted that we were English.

It’s not really all that naughty, but still a funny story. I can't recommend the book enough, hopefully the above excerpt is a good incentive.

I seem recall that Tim said their tour of New Zealand was quite naughty, but to what extent I have no idea. There’s no such thing mentioned in A Liar’s Autobiography anyway.

I once read an amusing anecdote in a biography of John Cleese, where the 1948 Show clan we supposed to meet in John’s flat, but he’d locked himself out, so Tim said he’d climb up the side of the house and through the window for £5. And he did!

As for John, Graham and Tim’s flat, I imagine it being very messy! From what I gather, Graham and John are two incredibly messy people, but I can imagine Tim being far tidier. The place was probably still a tip, though!



Tim: How long have we been married?

Tim: Be on guard

Posts: 1617



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
04/06/2006 00:19 GMT

PunHeaven :

'  I can't help wondering what their flat must have been like...

I've heard bad things about their kitchen...  (Not that that'll come as a shock to anyone who's seen male uni students' experiments in housesharing.)

Never fear, Spev, I don't know the brothel story either (I GOTTA get that book...) but I'm sure they were just upholding a young maiden's honour, or rescuing a puppy from a fire or a cat up a tree or something.  Yeah.  That's it.


Posts: 348



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
03/06/2006 19:32 GMT

clair :

' There's a brothel tale with tim?

Damn...and here is me trying to save money.

Timbo was in a BROTHEL?!?!?!

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!  HE'S TOO YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!  NO!!!  IT CAN'T BE!!!!!!  He wouldn't do something that common and degenerate.... unless of course he convinced himself that it's actually a very proper thing to do - look at Prince Edward around the Jack The Ripper era...

Yes that would've been the line of thinking he went down.

One week tomorrow.... and I'll be there - in the same room - trying not to storm the stage and cuddle him!!!

If I don't get a Timbo Cuddle next Sunday - my life will never be complete.  Not much pressure there then.

Timbo in a brothel.  Somehow it's just NOT RIGHT...

GRAEME:  Will you be coming back tomorrow?
SPEV:  We might think about it...!
GRAEME:  See you tomorrow then!

I'm a Very Tasty Girl - Tim said so!!

Posts: 771



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
03/06/2006 15:31 GMT

That second pic is one I adore as well. I firmly believe that Tim's "PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!" in that sketch is the funniest thing ever.

I must get a hold of A Liar's Autobiography. It sounds like a fantastic book. The Tim-Graham-John relationship is very interesting. I can't help wondering what their flat must have been like...

"I banged my floor on the head with joy." Tim Brooke-Taylor

Posts: 608



 Subject:  Re: The Timbo Sexy Stud Muffin Babe Magnet Thread
03/06/2006 12:49 GMT

Oh, I love A Liar's Autobiography, it's my favourite book. I'm a big Graham Chapman nut, he's absolutely adorable. My first proper introduction to Tim was from reading A Liar's Autobiography, so all I knew about him before The Goodies was the stuff that happened in New Zealand and the tale of the Hong Kong massage parlour! 

Tim and Graham's friendship is something which interests me a great deal, from A Liar's Autobiography it's clear that they had a good friendship, but I don't really know much about them after the 1948 Show, when they branched off into Python and The Goodies. I like to think they continued to have a good friendship after that time. It's nice to see them together in the 1981 Secret Policeman's Ball, I adore the Card Dance they do.

Anyway, to finish off my Graham/Tim ramble, a couple of nice pics. The first one is from a recently-published book about Graham, "Calcium Made Intersting":

And this is one of my favourite pics:

Those are all very good reasons, Dobbin, for why Graeme may have since quit smoking. One factor which came into my mind is that he could have given up when he had his hip replacement. Just a wild guess though!



Tim: How long have we been married?

Tim: Be on guard

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