Subject: Re: dont seem to be able to create a journal. 15/02/2007 10:05 GMT
Essentially, I've been far too busy with work (rotten so and so's expecting me to work for a living rather than paying me to spend time rebuilding stuff on GROK).
The Journals don't actually work properly until you actually create one. You can create an entry, but it won't show up by default until you actually create a journal for the entry to go into.
It's like you can't have a glass of water until you have a glass. Unfortunately, this means that only those people who managed to create an actual journal entry are able to have them show up.
I will be fixing this as soon as I get a chance, which hopefully won't be too far away.
Never settle with words when a flamethrower! is much more fun
Posts: 4549
Subject: Re: dont seem to be able to create a journal. 13/02/2007 17:16 GMT
did you set the entry as "public" instead of "private"? That might make a difference.
Posts: 10
Subject: dont seem to be able to create a journal. 13/02/2007 09:58 GMT
wrote a journal entry and nothing has come up. Despite it saying that the entry has been recorded.