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Posts: 58

Subject: Re: New Badges
08/03/2007 02:30 GMT
You're doing a fantastic job Zaphod - I just wasn't sure if I was going mad or not...
I would offer to help, but I know no coding at all. Sorry... I pledge that I, your leader, will see you safely through to a better world! |
Posts: 975

Subject: Re: New Badges
07/03/2007 23:28 GMT
The badges are tied into the journal module, which I haven't literally had time to finish re-writing to cope with the current upgrade.
Eventually I'll get it working, but things have been exceptionally hectic with work in past months.
Again, the offer goes out. Anyone with experience in PHP, HTML and CSS is welcome to give me a hand to maintain the site, and come up with new stuff to go on it.
Never settle with words when a flamethrower! is much more fun
Posts: 2437

Subject: Re: New Badges
07/03/2007 17:17 GMT
Phew! I thought that was just me being thick! |
Posts: 58

Subject: Re: New Badges
07/03/2007 12:38 GMT
Oh mighty zaphod...
Is that sufficient crawling for a dumb question?
Just a curiosity thing, since the wonderful updates, I can't find where you can view what badges people have... Are they currently not visible, or am I just blind/blonde/stupid (take your pick)... I pledge that I, your leader, will see you safely through to a better world! |
Posts: 975

Subject: Re: New Badges
19/12/2006 22:26 GMT
It's probably not really appropriate for this site, but for technical sites it's for fixing/finding bugs in software
Never settle with words when a flamethrower! is much more fun
Posts: 402

Subject: New Badges
19/12/2006 22:03 GMT
Whats the bug ones for, and how do you get them.  Is string really better than beans????? |