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Bertha Torr

Posts: 65

Bertha Torr


 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
13/04/2019 22:49 GMT

Wonderful. Let me know when you've had time to go down the rabbithole and I'll meet you on the Other Side (LWT).

Oh, yes, I can definitely recommend Sherbetvision (see attachment)! And, if you can't find a panda, may I suggest an ornate throne as a viewing perch? Failing that, the less-endangered 'sagbag' (although I can't get up from those things - wait, may be an advantage)?

I'm lucky in that I have a little business I run from home which often involves sitting doing boring manual work for a few hours, so I bung on the Goodies discs. I am a recidivist Binger.

I don't have to take this kind of thing from you, you know! But I'm going to...

Posts: 269



 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
13/04/2019 05:46 GMT

Thanks for spotting that - I did miss out CECILY, don't know why but I had put in EMILY there instead of CECILY, which I have now corrected below. Don't know of any Emily who was in any episode 

I have seen all of the episodes in the past, so have only watched the ones I have not seen in a long while or ones of which my VHS/Beta copy was poor or missing bits.

Will do the full binge when I have time, and a good supply of Bill's sherbet, a packet of string, will "pull up a panda" and consume some anti-Snooze liquid to remain awake the whole time

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"
Bertha Torr

Posts: 65

Bertha Torr


 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
08/04/2019 22:43 GMT

Very clever! Without cheating and going through the episode list with a fine toothcomb, I can only think of 'Cecily' that seems to have been missed.

Have you now seen all the episodes?

I don't have to take this kind of thing from you, you know! But I'm going to...

Posts: 269



 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
24/10/2018 07:31 GMT

You will need to SNOOZE after binge watching all of them like a ROBOT, otherwise you'll be under HYPE PRESSURE until THE END of THE RACE, you'll be HUNTING PINK and in need of a HOSPITAL FOR HIRE

You'll feel like you are back in the STONE AGE, having illusions of prehistoric creatures such as FRANKENFIDO riding a trandem through a SCATTY SAFARI via THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC in deepest darkest SOUTH AFRICA. In a place that is nothing like CAMELOT or SCOTLAND where you may have ALTERNATIVE ROOTS, but no CULTURE FOR THE MASSES, it is more akin to A KICK IN THE ARTS. Here is WAY OUTWARD BOUND, free of POLLUTION and run by THE GREENIES.

Don't get CAUGHT IN THE ACT and start dreaming of eating all that FRESH FARM FOOD on Uncle Tom's farm, because in reality they only have DODONUTS, fish and LIPS OR ALMIGHTY COD, or some ANIMALS. As ANIMALS ARE PEOPLE TOO, even in WACKY WALES.

You may read in the FLEET STREET GOODIES news of the DAYLIGHT ROBBERY ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS, or that BUNFIGHT AT THE OK TEA ROOMS, or heard about the KUNG FU KAPERS on RADIO GOODIES. That show there is bigger than KITTEN KONG. Thankfully nothing was mentioned about GOODIES AND POLITICS or the recent threats of EARTHANASIA by the flying and bombing geese, some there asked "U-FRIEND OR UFO?"

After all that watching you may need a HOLIDAY or have A CHANGE OF LIFE. A COLLECTION OF GOODIES which passed your eyeballs could turn you FOOTBALL CRAZY or make you become a totally SCOUTRAGEOUS SUPERSTAR.


FOR THOSE IN PERIL ON THE SEA just think IT MIGHT AS WELL BE STRING watching THE BADDIES GIVE POLICE A CHANCE in locating THE LOST TRIBE, established by CECILY, the leader of the WOMEN'S LIB arm who defended against the INVASION OF THE MOON CREATURES in the year 2001 AND A BIT.

It was a real GENDER EDUCATION talking to her about the WAR BABIES who lived in a hilly area of a part of town, who caught a CLOWN VIRUS which gave them all one BIG FOOT.
This meant they could not compete in the WINTER OLYMPICS or COMMONWEALTH GAMES, or even THE GOODIES AND THE BEANSTALK climbing competition, especially those CHUBBIE CHUMPS who ended up becoming LIGHTHOUSE KEEPING LOONIES, some of these were thrown in with The GOODIES IN THE NICK due to some PUNKY BUSINESS.

Now screening at THE MOVIES  is  "THE GOODIES ALMOST LIVE", it's nothing like SNOW WHITE 2, is not in colour but when you look at it........ it's a real BLACK AND WHITE BEAUTY, why?........because GOODIES RULE OK! 

....did I miss any ? 

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"
Last modified: 13/04/2019 05:30 GMT by wahski

Posts: 8



 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
18/10/2018 06:13 GMT

Yay, my Limited Edition binge set finally arrived today (apparently Network had an issue processing the order). Now I can finally join in on the binge.


Posts: 269



 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
06/10/2018 09:48 GMT

I could not view the (Region 2) discs on my Bluray/DVD player as is a different zone, and cannot change zone -

I thought I could play them on my computer via a recently bought external USB Bluray drive, but alas not.  Found it was the newer RPC2 type drive.

So instead of fiddling around trying to workout how to change zones etc, I dug out my older (RPC1) external USB DVD drive and found I could play them on there via "VLC player".

I went one stage further and converted all of the eps of the binge, and also from Season 9 DVDs into files. So can now play them on my Bluray player without getting the original discs out.

I now have every Goodies episode to binge on - all over two Bluray discs!

Also found pikky of the certificate online some are getting with their binge.

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"

Posts: 4546




 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
03/10/2018 21:17 GMT

Really enjoying the new DVD (no surprise there, of course  ).  I've already noticed a few visual jokes I hadn't spotted in my nth generation off-air recordings, thanks to Network's excellent restorations.


Posts: 269



 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
24/09/2018 06:46 GMT

My copy arrived here in Ostrayleearrrrrrr.
That was good timing to arrive here on the 24th... 

Let the binge begin with my binge of Goodies.

Bill: "I used to have a pet rabbit once.......and at no stage did he ever strap me to the couch and stick carrots in my ears!"

Posts: 80



 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
24/09/2018 01:57 GMT

Jonsmad :

It’s the voice over jingle for “Universe” chocolate advert. A spoof of a Galaxy advert.

Thanks! This was not known ... I've added it to Appendix C.
Jonsmad :

'It’s not a soundtrack of the broadcast show so no it doesn’t point to their being a recording of the lost episode in audio.

Still, you've made my day!

--, the South Australian Doctor Who Fan Club, Inc.

Posts: 10



 Subject:  Re: Binge Marathon
23/09/2018 19:00 GMT

MartinAgain :

' '
Jonsmad :

I’ve listen to “Kitten Kong” , “Dumb animal” and a lost advert from Kitten Kong on the soundtrack CDs.

What's the lost Kitten Kong commercial?

And on a related note; does the Kitten Kong soundtrack exist?

It’s the voice over jingle for “Universe” chocolate advert. A spoof of a Galaxy advert.
That wasn’t in the montreau 72 version of kitten. It survives on a master audio tape of music for that original kitten show, along with clean versions (no fx and laugh track) of the songs Kitten Kong and dumb animal. All on the CD. It’s not a soundtrack of the broadcast show so no it doesn’t point to their being a recording of the lost episode in audio.


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