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** The Goodies Theme
The Goodies Theme - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 14/07/2006


» The Goodies Theme



(from C&G #132  November 2006)


Our three Goodies music reviewers from over the past decade, Emperor Caligula (aka Brett Allender), Peaches Stiletto (aka Linda Kay) and Caroline Kooky (aka Alison Bean) are all currently aboard the trandem pedalling like mad trying to win the Tour de France and dodge the volley of breadsticks hurled at them by the disgruntled mob of Frenchmen waiting at the finish line who are expecting "Le Bon Bon – The Sweeties" to triumph instead.  After this they will either continue their leisurely ride on to Skegness or hot up their disused railway station for a tilt at the "Lemons Vings Quaters Hurs" race, so with a bit of luck we won't hear any more pitiful puns or ratty refrains from any of our distant DJs (well, not until next month anyway!)


Instead we're happy to bring you a bonus edition featuring just the lyrics of the two main versions of "THE GOODIES THEME":

(1) the version which was used at the start of the very first Goodies episode and appeared in various guises in the first four series of the show and on the album "The Goodies Sing Songs From The Goodies", and:

(2) The version used from Series 5 onwards (with some minor variations for different series) which also appears on the '70s albums "The New Goodies LP", "The Goodies Greatest" and "Best Of … The Goodies", and on the 1997 CD "Yum Yum – The Very Best Of The Goodies"


(1)  SERIES 1 TO 4

Sung by Bill, with contributions from Tim and Graeme


Goodies, Goodies


Take a little good advice, try a trip to paradise

It's not hard to find, you've got it on your mind

Can't pretend it wouldn't be nice

It's whatever turns you on, Goodies


A circus or a seaside pier, a sausage or a can of beer

A stripper or a clown, prices going down

You can make it happen here

Fun for all the family, Goodies


Goodies, goody goody yum yum

Goodies, goody goody yum yum

Goodies, goody goody yum yum


Goodies are coming for you and you and you and you

It's anything you want it to be, a record or an OBE

A four minute mile, a policeman with a smile

I know you won't believe what you see




Sung by Bill, with contributions from Tim and Graeme


Goodies.  Goody goody yum yum


G … you need a helping hand

O … you know we'll understand

O … we're with you right to the end

Everyone needs a friend, Goody, Goody, Goody


D … we'll show you definitely

Y … you should employ us three

We … can take on any old line

Anything anytime, hi hi hi


Goodies … goody goody yum yum

Goodies … we're coming for you

Goodies … goody goody yum yum

Here we come into town, getting up, falling down


Hey … why don't you give us a shout

May - be we can work it out

Aaah … come on and don't be shy

We'll lead you to a better life, Goody Goody Goody


Do … you want to sing our song?

You … can learn right along

We … can show you all what to do

So you can be a Goody too, Ooo, Ooo, Ooo


Goodies … goody goody yum yum

Goodies … we're coming for you

Goodies … goody goody yum yum

Up down, in out, right in, fall about


Goodies … goody goody yum yum … Goodies

Goodies … goody goody yum yum … Goodies

Goodies … goody goody yum yum … Goodies

Goodies … goody goody yum yum … Goodies

The Goodies … goody goody yum yum … Goodies

Goodies … goody goody yum yum … Goodies




No need to rate … they're great, mate!



Thanks for these lyrics, they served as a reminder when I was recording a cover version (might post a link here if it turns out any good).

However, having had the "Goodies - Almost Live" album when I was just 4 years old, I remember, when prompted, the lyrics and there are a few things I can correct:

The latter half of the second verse is actually, with obvious reference to the trandem:

Do ... you want to sing our song
You ... can learn to RIDE ALONG
Up down, in out, RIDING ALL ABOUT

hope that helps
Posted by:hoopshank


date: 20/10/2014 12:49 GMT
I have a question about another theme song.

I bought a copy of 'The Goodies Sing Songs From The Goodies' and I was expecting the normal album version from series 5-9, but it was a different version, it was an extended version of the series 3-4 but with a few alterations. This version of the album is a factory sample (on the label on the vinyl it says factory sample) and I would like to know if this version of the song is because it's on a factory sample or if it was another version. I haven't got the 'Stuff That Gibbon / The Goodies Theme' single, is that version on 'The Goodies Sing Songs To The Goodies'?

I would love to hear feedback.

Goody Goody Yum Yum.
Posted by:George Rubins

George Rubins

date: 08/07/2023 11:34 GMT
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