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C&G 104 Jul 2004
#104 Jul 2004 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 13/12/2006


» #104 Jul 2004

Issue No. 104                    12th July 2004
E-mail <> with UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of your message. If you are using multiple or forwarded e-mail addresses, please specify the e-mail address which you originally used when subscribing, otherwise we may not be able to remove you from the mailing list.
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Newsletter enquiries:
General enquiries:
'The Goodies Rule - OK!'
P.O. Box 325
Chadstone VIC 3148, AUSTRALIA
- Brett Allender
- Lisa Manekofsky
- David Piper-Balston
- Alison Bean
- Linda Kay
- Marilyn Burge
C&G CONTRIBUTORS: Adrian Hudson, Mark Longmuir
1. QUIZ & QUOTE - Goodies brainteasers for you and you and you
2. BOFFO IDEAS - News and club happenings.
3. SPOTTED!!! - The latest Goodies sightings.
4. 2001 AND A BIT - Tim, Graeme and Bill sightings post-Goodies.
5. FEATURE ARTICLE - Bill Oddie - I'm Wild About My Life
(by "Magnus Magnesium")
QUOTE: "So tomorrow night when the owls do hoot and the moon is full we must journey to the abode of the living dead."
(a) Which Goodie says this quote?
(b) What was Bill's response to it?
(c) Which episode is this quote from?
QUIZ: This month's questions are from the episode: "Cecily"
(d) What does Bill use as a mixer for the pie that he is trying to cook?
(e) Which "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again" character does Tim's "female nanny" voice sound like?
(f) Which Goodies song is used as background music while they are doing the housekeeping chores?
(g) What happens to the rooster after it crows to signal morning?
(h) Which card game are the Goodies playing while all sorts of spooky things happen around them?
The answers are listed at the end of this newsletter.
You can make it happen here. Liven up the club with a boffo idea for bob-a-job week. E-mail <> with your comments, ideas or suggestions - meanwhile these are the boffo ideas which our club has been working on this month:
(by Lisa Manekofsky)
Last month was a particularly active one at the club's website ( ). You might be interested to learn that the site had over 17,000 visitors from more than 70 countries in June 2004.
The countries from which we had the most visitors (starting with the highest number and counting down) were the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Singapore, Portugal, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, and South Africa.
Our best birthday wishes go out to Bill Oddie, who turned 63 on July 7th, and Tim Brooke-Taylor who celebrates his 64th birthday on July 17th.
(by Brett Allender)
Here at the C&G office, we're not exactly "knackered" like an ageing TBT in '2001 And A Bit' or even a little "old and raddled" like all three Goodies in 'Change Of Life' ... However if you regularly cast an eye at the list of the C&G lads and lasses each month, you'd be forgiven for exclaiming "Lads?! Job lot for the undertakers!" because every single month the same handful of familiar old names are up there with very little company.
Well although we're all happy to keep contributing as much as we can, we're going on a boffo recruitment drive during this bob-a-job campaign and actively seeking some new bods to join our Goodies-spotting patrol. You don't even have to wear a silly hat or shamelessly flaunt your knobbly knees in public ... "phew", I hear you say!
All that we require of our new bods is an occasional contribution of something related to The Goodies, or the individual projects of Bill, Tim and Graeme if you prefer. Excellent examples from this edition include Lisa's compilation of Goodies DVD information and Marilyn's contribution of an article about Bill's latest wildlife show (sadly not the kind of wild life that he was all excited about in the 'Gender Education' episode!), but there are lots of other things to set the C&G cold showers off like your thoughts on your favourite (or least favourite) Goodies episode, extracts from one of the Goodies books, funniest quotes from 'I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue', Goodies puzzles, fanfic or whatever.
We're even willing to bribe, er encourage, you to contribute by giving you the chance to earn our collection of scouting proficiency badges. There are more than a dozen in the set and they're jolly hard to win; in fact no-one in our C&G patrol has ever won one (soppy lot that we are!) However each contribution published in the C&G from next month onwards will win its sender a badge (well, a scanned copy that you can print out for yourself at least) so if that's not enough to get you sneaking out of the house in a mack with a garbage bag over your hat - or at least sneaking a contribution off to the C&G occasionally - then I'm off to join the Salvation Army and go after the Lone Scout (plus one!) all by myself. Come and join us, come and join us ...!
More exciting than getting your wig-spotters badge! If you've seen the Goodies recently, e-mail <>with the details. Here's where we've Spotted!!! The Goodies this month:
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 15th June) is running a sale in which "The Goodies - At Last!" DVD is 60% off. The sale price is £9.97 (while the regular price is £24.99). Here's a link to the item:
(This price is still current as of July 8th - Ed.)
(by Lisa Manekofsky)
The club has a lot of new members, many of whom are asking about new Goodies DVDs. We thought it'd be helpful to summarize the information we know at this point.
* UK/Australian DVDs:
Last year a British company called Network video released an 8-episode DVD entitled "The Goodies - At Last!" (which is PAL, Region 0). Network did a wonderful job of restoring the episodes and including bonus features; they were rewarded with excellent sales. This lead to Network announcing that they planned to release two more sets of 8 episodes each.
The last we heard, Network tentatively planned to release Volume 2 in September/October 2004. They submitted a list of episodes to the BBC and were waiting to hear about clearances (sometimes it is too difficult or expensive to clear an episode for release because of music or footage contained in that episode). Network is reluctant to announce episode titles until they've been cleared for release (to avoid disappointing fans); at present, "Radio Goodies" is the only confirmed episode. There will be bonus material on this set (as there was on "At Last!") but we don't have any specifics at this time.
We hope to have more details about Volume 2 in the near future. We'll pass them along as soon as they become available.
The contents of the Network DVD were licensed for release in Australia under the title "8 Delicious Episodes" (which is PAL, Region 4). We believe that future Network releases will also be licensed for Australian release.
As mentioned in C&G #103, a company called Jef Films is scheduled to release a Goodies DVD in the US on 31 July. The DVD may simply be called "The Goodies". It should contain the three episodes from the BBC "Kitten Kong" video ("Kitten Kong", "Scatty Safari", and "Scoutrageous"). 
Jef Films had previous released this material on VHS under the title "The Goodies: Three Classic Episodes". I had a chance to review that tape and can confirm that it contains the same edits in "Scatty Safari" as the BBC video (these are detailed in Matthew K. Sharp's "The Goodies - CENSORED!" guide at ) I'm guessing that the DVD will have the same version of that episode.
Many vendors are listing the DVD, including and Brits
We mentioned last month that Movies Unlimited listed a 27 June release for this DVD - every other vendor had the 31 July release date. Movies Unlimited no longer shows "The Goodies" as a pre-order item but they do not have the DVD in stock. As of 9 July their customer service department was still saying that the title was "backordered" and they didn't expect to receive it for 2-4 weeks. The Jef Films DVD will be in NTSC format. At this point we don't know if it'll be Region 1 or Region 0. We hope to review the DVD in next month's issue; any news we have before then will be posted to the club website and the goodies-l mailing list.
* BBC America mystery:
While hunting for information about the US DVD I came across an odd listing in the BBC America Shop ( ). It's for a DVD entitled "The Goodies" but the page has no other information except for saying "This title is not available in the U.S. or Canada. If you would like to place a request for this title, or be contacted via email if it does become available, please click here."  
I wondered why a title not available in the US was being listed by the BBC America Shop. In the hopes that this might be a placeholder for a forthcoming title (perhaps the Network DVD or the Jef Films one) I sent an email asking for information. The reply I received said: "Thank you for your interest in BBC America Shop. Unfortunately 'The Goodies' DVD starring Tim Brooke (sic) and Graeme Garden is not currently available or planned for release in the U.S. and Canada. However, we use requests like yours to help us plan future releases. We appreciate your taking the time to contact us at Thanks and have a great day." 
I'd urge other US fans to write to BBC America to let them know of the demand for this title. You can use the feedback page at ( )
and speaking of BBC America...
BBC America Program Request Page
BBC America has a page for requesting programs be added to their schedule:
"The Goodies" isn't one of the selections but you can choose "other" (at the end of the list) and type in that title.
(from information provided by David Piper-Balston and Alison Bean to Goodies-l)
The Radio Times had the "Comedy Connections:The Goodies" special listed to be shown on the BBC on Tuesday 23rd June, but scheduling changes led to it being screened on Monday 22nd June at 10.35pm instead, meaning that many fans missed out on seeing it.
Here's some excellent advice for all those who missed it:
Comedy Connections from the BBC Comedy Newsletter
(25th June).
A lot of people seriously annoyed about missing Comedy Connections: The Goodies last Monday (due to schedule changes). We did warn newsletter subscribers last week, but sadly, the message didn't spread quickly enough.
We've put a list on the blog of when the other seven docs are on. We encourage Goodies fans to email '' and tell the BBC you want a repeat.
Also a recent message on this Yahoo group tells you how you can access Comedy Connections online.
(Adrian Hudson - Goodies-l - 2nd July)
A Goodies desktop theme is available at
(Mark Longmuir - Goodies-l - 5th July)
Just wondering if anyone else has seen the Goodies pavement art along Southbank in Melbourne? It's just down from the footbridge towards Crown and features the three of them on the trandem, along with a picture of Osama bin Laden for some reason...
There's also a great Dr Who one nearby featuring the 4th Doctor and Sarah stepping out of the TARDIS, with portraits of all the Doctors (including Cushing!).
The pictures list , which has a (currently broken) link apparently to some Southbank pictures. Should try and get some pictures of them myself...
(by Lisa Manekofsky)
In C&G #102 we reported that the blue trandem used in the Goodies LWT series was being sold on eBay. The seller kindly passed my address on to the new owners, a three man comedy group called "The Trap". I received a nice note from Jeremy, one of the members of The Trap, who tells me they are big fans of The Goodies. The Trap have only just taken delivery of the trandem but they hope to take publicity photos of themselves on it soon. In addition, they're going to the Edinburgh Fringe comedy festival ( ) in August and they'll be bringing the trandem with them.
Jeremy added "we're indebted to the Goodies, our humour is also quite visual and silly in the best sense of the word! So we're very excited about our new purchase. Now we just need to practise riding it..."
More details about our The Trap's shows can be found at
(by Alison Bean)
In the second episode of The Keith Barret Show (BBC-2,12th July), Keith interviewed Brian and Kerry McFadden (from the bands Westlife and Atomic Kitten, respectively). After exhausting the contents of his cue cards, Keith asked the audience for their questions to the couple. One asked "What was it like being in Hell's Kitchen*?" to which Keith replied "They weren't in Hell's Kitchen. You might as well have said 'What was it like being in The Goodies?'"
* Hell's Kitchen being a reality show in which celebrities had to be the staff of three-Michelin-starred chef Gordon Ramsay's new restaurant.
4. 2001 AND A BIT
If you've sighted Tim, Bill or Graeme in a post-Goodies role, e-mail <> so that we can tell everyone where to spot a Goodie nowadays. Those of you seeking radio & tv alerts between issues of the C&G should consider signing up for the Goodies-L mailing list (more details available on the club website),as our crack (cracked?!) team of reporters attempt to post alerts as the information becomes available.
* Well it's official, Bill is the new Delia, except where as Bill encourages the nation to buy bird boxes to home the birds, Delia inspires people to buy pans to cook the birds. :-),7493,1242367,00.html
'Oddie power' sends Britain wild
David Wood
Monday June 21, 2004
Oddie: rivalling Delia Smith in his consumer influence
Delia Smith did it for omelette pans and now Bill Oddie - presenter of BBC2's surprise hit Britain Goes Wild - has done it for bird boxes. In a natural history equivalent of the phenomenon dubbed "the Delia effect", the BBC's eccentric wildlife presenter has caused a nationwide stampede to garden centres, as viewers, prompted into action by his latest show, have been stripping the shelves of supplies of bird boxes and bird feeders.
In all just under 84,000 people joined the hit show's "Make Space for Nature" campaign, pledging to make their gardens more nature-friendly by erecting bird boxes, bee boxes and bird baths in their gardens. Nearly 21,000 promised to put up bird feeders, 19,700 to install bird boxes, 16,500 punters opted for a bird bath and 11,000 went for the bumble bee box - setting cash registers in garden centres ringing across the country.
The BBC was deluged with calls and emails inquiring where they could buy the items featured during the show's three-week run and referred punters to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) - which has shops located at all of its 20 flagship reserves - or their local garden centre.
"Our retail outlets have been exceptionally busy. People have come in for everything that's been mentioned on the show - sales of bird boxes, bird feeders and bird baths have all shot up and we have sold out of bee boxes," said an RSPB spokeswoman, Caroline Osbourne.
The RSPB is now telling the public how to build their own bird boxes and is ordering emergency supplies.
The run on wildlife-enhancing kit echoes the frenzied buying of cooking ingredients and utensils recommended by the BBC TV cook, Delia Smith.
When Smith called the Lune omelette pan a "little gem", sales at the small Lancashire firm that manufactured the item leapt from 200 a year to 90,000 in just four months.
Essex-based firm Maldon Crystal Salt Flakes was also thrown into disarray when Delia included its seasoning in her list of "must haves" in the kitchen.
The company had a workforce of just 10 people, manufacturing 400 tons of the hand-panned salt every year at the time and was swamped by increased demand.
The BBC resorted to sending lists to the food industry, warning which products would appear in Smith's shows. The Collins English Dictionary even referred to the phenomenon as "Delia power". Now it may have to add the term "Oddie power" to its list.
Halting the decline of the UK's native house sparrow population was one of Britain Goes Wild's regular talking points and viewers responded by buying wooden house sparrow terraces in their hundreds, which the RSPB sells for £21.99.
"We have now sold out of house sparrow terraces and our online requests have rocketed 500%," said Ms Osbourne. Sales of birdfeed at a specialist supplier, CJ Wildbird Foods, have also shot up.
The series, which was broadcast live from an organic farm at Devon's Fishleigh Estate and included live outside broadcasts from a gannet breeding colony on Bass Rock in Scotland and the London Wetland Centre in Barnes, was an unexpected hit for the corporation, despite strong competition in its last week from Euro 2004 football.
Presented by Oddie, Kate Humble and naturalist Simon King, the programme has a following of more than 3 million, making it the most popular show in the 8pm Thursday night slot so far this year, beating last month's Chelsea Flower Show coverage.
Live wildlife broadcasts have done well for the BBC recently. In January Big Cat Week on BBC1 averaged 7 million, while last year's Bill Oddie show Wild in your Garden secured a healthy 2.9 million.
(David Piper-Balston - Goodies-l - 23rd June)
* On page 8 of the current issue of the satirical magazine Private Eye (25th June), you will find a Ken Pyne cartoon strip about Britain Goes Wild with Bill Oddie. I've done a scan of this, which you can view at: with many thanks to Tim Aslat. Otherwise, here's a description...
Caption: Britain Goes Wild
Picture: Bill Oddie hiding in some undergrowth clutching binoculars and observing some cute rabbits.
Text: If you're desperate for find some strange, furry little creature...
Picture: Bill in the undergrowth observing a badger, an owl, some birds and a snail.
Text: ...that makes a funny noise...and creeps about in the undergrowth...
Picture: Bill in the undergrowth observing two badgers, a mouse, a hedgehog and some birds.
Text: ...then put him in something with animals...
Badger (speech bubble): Oh's a tit.
(Alison Bean - Goodies-l - 25th June)
* BBC7 is airing the episode of "In Conversation With" featuring Tim and Graeme again this coming Sunday, 11th July at 11:00-11:30. It will be repeated on Monday, 12th July from 1:00-1:30.
(Lisa Manekofsky - Goodies-l - 9th July)
(contributed by Marilyn Burge)
(from English Woman's Weekly - 1st June 2004)
Bill Oddie is about to host the BBC's biggest-ever wildlife extravaganza. In this exclusive interview, he tells Eileen Condon why, after a series of devastating setbacks, his own life couldn't be better and offers his own expert advice on how Woman's Weekly readers can really appreciate - and help save - the natural world.
Watching swallows swoop and soar above my head, while a family of robins burrow in a nearby nest and squirrels dart cheekily in and out of the thick foliage, I feel as if I'm in some sort of rural paradise. But far from it. I'm in the middle of Hampstead, just yards from the busy high street and only a few miles from the heart of London.
No prizes, then, for guessing that such an oasis of natural calm and beauty belongs to one of Britain's favourite wildlife experts, Bill Oddie. But, what's surprising is that Bill's back garden isn't the vast open space you might expect from someone so devoted to wildlife. Instead this small urban plot, crammed full of towering trees, sprawling wildflowers, ponds, bird-boxes and feeders of every shape and variety, serves a perfect purpose.
"It's small, self-contained and everything is set up here to attract wildlife," he explains as he bounds in and out of his shed collecting handfuls of meal worms for the birds. "I can't be doing with those manicured, clinically neat gardens. Nothing is going to thrive on concrete or decking. If you want to let nature thrive, then you've got to let the garden thrive. Keep it messy. Gardeners would probably wince at some of the things that I like - bees, wasps, grey squirrels - I don't mind, they're all part of it."
Right on cue, a tiny squirrel scampers down the side of a tree to pinch a handful of bird seed Bill has just put down. He merely laughs. "You just have to accept they're here to stay," he says. "They're little survivors. I quite admire their cheek."
Bill's infectious enthusiasm and cheery demeanour are a far cry from our last meeting three years ago. Then, the 63-year-old presenter was just emerging from one of the most difficult periods of his life. He'd suffered a devastating breakdown and had been hospitalised for severe depression, which is more than understandable when you consider his harrowing childhood. As an only child, he was brought up by his father and grandmother. The only times he met his schizophrenic mother were during hospital visits or on the occasions she'd return to the family home and try to attack Bill's father.
"I've been on a bit of a difficult journey," Bill now says, with a resigned shrug. "But I've learned so much about myself and about depression and I feel a lot more in control."
It's not just his therapeutic journey which has helped to restore the famous Oddie chuckle - the one that helped turn him into a household name in the hit Seventies show, The Goodies - it's also the fact that in the past couple of years he's back at the top, but this time as a wildlife expert. His TV show, Bill Oddie Goes Wild, has been a huge success and exposed his impressive environmental knowledge to a new generation of TV viewers.
"I'm a bit gobsmacked by what's happened," he says of his career renaissance. "I couldn't have planned this myself, even though wildlife has always been something I absolutely love."
That's something of an understatement, because it's fair to say that Bill isn't just a lover of wildlife: it's his passion. For him, it's not some fair-weather subject, it has dominated his life. You only have to look at the bird-watching logbooks he's kept since a small boy to see how committed he is to the subject.
Often rising at the crack of dawn, Bill would cycle for miles to nature spots and spend the whole day studying wildlife. "I was completely absorbed in the process," he recalls. "I had total focus and, looking back, it might have been to block out what was going on at home because I didn't think about anything else when I was at these places."
His recall of these boyhood expeditions is also remarkably vivid. "I don't even have to close my eyes. I can remember the first time I saw a chaffinch nest when I was 13. It had been raining and I was walking through great big hawthorn bushes then climbing a tree to get a closer look. My patience was legendary. I remember trying to find a willow warbler's nest, which took some doing because I spent hours and hours sitting in long grass on the edge of a golf course. I got to know all the bird songs and the calls just from listening and taking it all in. If necessary, I would be there for most of the day just following the bird down and working out where the nests were from that."
But although his passion for wildlife never waned, it did go on the backburner during his high-profile TV years. "I was incredibly busy and loved being in The Goodies, so there wasn't the time or opportunity to be as dedicated as I had been," he explains. "But it was still a life-saving hobby. When we were shooting The Goodies I always pushed them towards filming in bird-spotting locations so that I could kill two birds with one stone!"
Bill also has fond memories of family vacations spent in rural locations and says his three children (Bill has two daughters from his first marriage, Kate and Bonnie, and a third, Rosie, by his current wife, Laura) have all grown up with a passion for the Isles of Scilly.
"I never pushed them to appreciate wildlife but the Isles of Scilly has always been one of my favourite places and I just knew they'd like it because it's fantastic for kids," he says. "So, without preaching at them, I steered them towards those holidays and they used to have a whale of a time. Even now, they always ask if we can go back."
The success of his TV programs means that Bill has the opportunity to travel the world and witness for himself some of the planet's rarest and most stunning species. But, ask him to name his favourite creature, and he doesn't hesitate.
"The swallow," he says. "It's got so much going for it. One of the great mysteries of the natural world is still migration. How can these birds travel all over the world without a map or a compass? One of the greatest migrants of all is the swallow. I've been in South Africa and seen them skimming high above giraffes and elephants and they could very easily be the same swallows I've seen skimming around cows and sheep in Scotland. I was once on a remote island off Iceland and I saw one single swallow; they don't even breed on the mainland and yet there they are. By God, those birds don't half like exploring!"
Bill amits that the TV show is his dream job, not least because of the breathtaking wildlife he has encountered. "I was in Cape Town filming last year and, within a couple of hours, everything appeared, one after the other - penguins, whales, you name it. We didn't even have to get in a boat - they were there, right outside the hotel. Then there was the time when we were in a castle in Scotland and there were barn owls breeding in the turrets, just like something out of a Harry Potter novel. We had the cameras trained on them and, bang on cue, just as the sun was going down this lovely ghost of a bird came whooshing out, absolutely silent. It's in shot for only five or ten seconds, but it's absolutely stunning. Moments like that are priceless."
It's not all been plain sailing, though. There are a few downsides to the job, as Bill recalls. "There's one shot of me floundering around in water off the coast of Devon, which they keep showing over and over again," he grimaces. "I'm in a wetsuit which has inflated and I look like the Michelin man. I was floating around and couldn't control myself at all. The cameraman was laughing so much he could hardly film. Seriously humiliating stuff."
Humiliating or not, it's clear Bill is at last having the time of his life. He can't wait to get started on his latest show, a wildlife extravaganza called Britain Goes Wild With Bill Oddie. It'll be the biggest live event of its kind ever undertaken by the BBC and promises to show a variety of wildlife, including barn owls, foxes, badgers and rabbits in their natural habitats.
"There's so much I'm hoping to see," says Bill, who'll be broadcasting the show from a working farm in Devon. "In particular, I'm hoping to see the camera in an active owl's nest. Preferably a barn owl - I'm a huge fan."
No wonder he can't stop grinning. The young boy who rose at the crack of dawn to pursue his passion is now getting paid for it and he's not about to take any of that for granted.
"I'm a lucky man," he says. "I do feel as if I've found my niche. It's great to be doing something I love and helping to inform the public as well. On a local level, it's very heartening that so many people are taking an interest in wildlife and enjoying it, which is what my contribution is all about; because if you can make someone enjoy something they might want to conserve it."
And with that simple but very valid point I leave Bill to make the second of his twice-daily bird feeds, much inspired by his dedication to wildlife and much cheered by the fact that I've now got the perfect excuse not to sort out my messy garden.
* 'Britain Goes Wild With Bill Oddie starts on 31st May on BBC2 at 8pm.
Additional material
Bill Oddie's Wildlife tips
(notes on the following subjects)
How to spot wildlife in urban areas.
How to attract more wildlife to your garden.
How to spot wildlife in freshwater areas.
How to spot wildlife in coastal areas.
How to spot wildlife in woodland areas.
(Main): Bill with an owl (and a wise owl-like expression on his face)
(Smaller): European red fox, Common seal, Red squirrel, Fallow deer, Water vole, Otter, Young song thrush
(by Brett Allender)
Series 8, Episode 3
First screened: 28th January 1980
Tim Brooke-Taylor proudly presents 'Pro Celebrity Sports Night' in a patriotic attempt to raise some much needed money for the British Olympic Fund (which features the likes of hang-gliding with Cyril Smith and fox hunting with Basil Brush - and puppeteer - who flees rapidly from the hounds and hunters), but after he has deducted various expenses (like 500 pounds for Nicholas Parsons not to turn up!) while being towed around for a leisurely game of golf by Graeme, he is left with a grand total of 3 pence for his donation.
Tim ventures to the cobweb-ridden British Olympic Committee office in which a number of old men (who all wear Olympic blazers dating back to the 1896 Athens games, plus a skeleton in a blazer from the games at Sparta in 341 BC!) are asleep at the meeting table. He wants to come in, but the former Olympians need to have a vote on it, which is tied at 3 for and 3 against until one objector promptly croaks it ("that's better, two against!"). Tim's offer of a whole 3p for training facilities is sufficient to get the ancient athletes to fire up with a patriotic speech about losing for their Queen and country, but his disgusted retort of "Oh, bloody hell!" causes the remaining old geezers to snuff it in shock at such language!
Meanwhile the British Olympic team are forced to rummage through bins on the street for survival, although Tim is determined to help them and after he is expertly hustled (at games like scrabble and table tennis) by Graeme and Bill at their new casino and forced to strip to his smalls to repay his debts, he is left with little choice but to become an athlete too. The impoverished athletes soon resort to crime, especially Tim as the notorious Masked Shotputter (who even robs the Queen of her tiara in a brazen raid on her limo), but he soon comes to grief when he tries to rob Graybungles Casino, as Bill blocks his bid to polevault to freedom with some rapid bricklaying work and then carts him to prison in a barrow of wet concrete, with the remainder of the team eventually being locked up as well.
Graeme transforms into Kerry Thwacker, the Australian sporting entrepreneur and assembles his own Olympic team of imported athletes from various countries, but has to continually deal with phone calls from "Mr Brooke Pommy Taylor" in the prison who is annoyed because Graeme doesn't seem to be supporting the British Olympic cause (especially when Kerry Thwacker successfully bids to host the Olympics once a Russian official has shot himself after calculating the enormous cost of hosting them). In desperation, Tim heaves himself over the prison wall (as he uses his ball and chain like a hammer throw), then quietly breaks into Graeme's office and makes sweeping changes to the official programme of events.
Just prior to the opening ceremony of the Olympics, Bill and Graeme discover Tim trying to hide in the stables, but instead of getting the police, they want to give him a day to remember, as it's Tim's birthday (then they'll get the police!). As a special present for him, they reveal that all of their gambling and accumulation of imported athletes has been so that he would have a world-beating, top ranking British Olympic team, but they are horrified when they read Tim's adjusted programme of events and their athletes go berserk and have to be sedated with a tranquillizer gun.
However Tim has already assembled a British team, which consists of a number of ancient writers, composers and performers. The Queen declares the Olympic Games open, but the other countries protest vehemently at the changed programme and walk out (with the torchbearer using the torch to light his cigarette as the doves fly back into their capsule again), much to Graeme's horror as he has just staked his life savings on the supposed certainty of a win by countries other than Britain. In desperation, he and Bill therefore form a 'Rest Of The World' team to compete against Britain in the revised events such as the 15 metre high dive while reciting Hamlet, the snatch press and limerick and the lady novelist's mud wrestle.
After two weeks of competition, the gold medal tally is locked at 52-all with the final event to decide the winner of the Olympics. The Dead Sea Scrolls Relay requires Graeme and Bill to race around the track with the scrolls as a baton, but they are no match for a line-up of 315 creative geniuses who hand the scroll on to each other and ensure a glorious Olympic victory for Britain. However Tim is unable to bask in his success for very long on the victory dais, as when the Queen steps forth, she remarks "He's the one, officer. The Masked Shotputter!". Tim's trousers drop to his ankles, which reveals his prison uniform and he scoots off along the track, with Bill, Graeme and the Royal party jamming away on the brass in a final serenade!
* Ancient British Olympian: "British athletes do not need to train! All they need is to feel the British blood coursing through their veins. And they have the knowledge that they're running for their Queen and their country. And that the whole British nation is waiting for them to gird up their loins, ... hitch up their hamstrings, ... and get out there on that track and ... LOSE!"
British Olympians (chorus): "LOSE!!"
Tim: "Oh, bloody hell!"
* Tim: "You've been gambling!"
Graeme: "No!"
Tim: "Bet you have."
Graeme: "How much you bet ... ooh what a giveaway!"
* Graeme (to Tim on phone): "G'day sport, what can I do ya for?! ... This is not a funny voice, I'm talkin' Australian. That's right, you are speaking to Kerry Thwacker. ... Yes, Kerry Thwacker, sports-mad international. No, no, Mr Garden would do a much sillier voice than this!" (demonstrates) "Whack the diddle-o blue! Pull up a jumbuck and take the weight off ya billabongs!"
* Graeme (checking out his sports stars locked in crates): "That's Nastase in there. (crate rattles violently) Save it Nasty, save it! And John Lloyd in here ... and Chrissy?! Stop that, you'll ruin your service!"
* Bill (about the imported athletes): "Shouldn't they all be British?"
Graeme: "Ah, they soon will be. Get all the men married off to Virginia Wade ... and the women ..."
Bill: "The women ... me, me!!"
Graeme: "Why not, they're not fussy!"
* Bill (to a very tense and bossy Graeme): "Calm down, go and do something relaxing ... like invade Poland!"
* Tim's philanthropic efforts to raise money for the British Olympic fund, with the Pro Celebrity Sports Night (including Magnus Pyke knocking out four other boxers with his exaggerated hand gestures and clay target shooting using a puppet emu) raising a whole three pence once all of the various expenses (like twelve bottles of scent for Henry Cooper and two tons of hay for Princess Anne!) have been deducted. Also his round of golf, with Bill and Graeme towing him around the course in a special buggy, kicking his ball off the tee when he misses it, headbutting the ball from the rough onto the green and then helping Tim to sink a long putt which curls around all over the green before dropping into the hole.
* Tim falling victim to the ace hustler Hurricane Oddie in Graybungles Casino, firstly being fooled by all three cups having a ball under them, getting pressured into a losing hand at scrabble ( a meagre offering of 'sat' with Bill then firing out 'squeezed' on a triple word score) and being cleaned up 5-0 at table tennis thanks to five dirty tricks by Bill (and not helped by some ill-timed odds quoting from Graeme), before being swindled at I-spy, then forced to strip to his undies and become an athlete.
* Tim turning to crime as the notorious Masked Shotputter, breaking a butchers shop window to steal sausages, clobbering a Beefeater at the Tower then nicking the Crown Jewels and launching a daring raid on the Queen's limousine as it cruises along on a street parade, swiping her tiara to the exclaimation of "Who was that masked athlete?!". Also his attempted robbery of Graybungles Casino with Bill as security guard pursuing him over construction barrier hurdles and breasting the safety tape as the winner before remembering what he is supposed to be doing and eventually trapping a polevaulting Tim by building a wall higher with some incredibly swift bricklaying work!
* Graeme's posing as Kerry Thwacker, sports-mad international, complete with boxing kangaroo tie and suitably over-the-top Aussie accent, with him madly cobbling together an athletics team of foreign sports stars while not giving a toss about their welfare (with Bill reporting that the six Kenyan long distance runners are a bit squashed and that some of the Russian child gymnasts are dead on arrival!), asking Joan Collins to return the Arsenal soccer team to him ("what's left of them!") so that she can have Sheffield Wednesday ("... and Everton Thursday!") and telling "Mr Brooke Pommy Taylor" that "we do not deal with common criminals!"
* Many of the scenes from the Olympic Games including Sir John Benjamin competing in the 200kg lift and sonnet (only to fall through the floor after Bill has unsportingly tickled him with a feather duster), J.B. Priestly successfully long jumping over his entire life's works (with a self-satisfied celebratory puff on his pipe when sitting on his backside in the pit afterwards), Barbara Cartland and Dame Wilhemina Oddietta grappling in a muddy wrestling ring, Graeme and Bill bellowing away in the lead of the 100 metre freestyle opera swim only for a British opera dame to burst shrieking out of the water in front of them (shattering all of the windows and showering chunks of glass into the pool) and Graeme's matador-like appendisectomy performed in a bullfighting ring to a cheering Latin crowd.
Ballard Berkeley, Roland MacLeod, Norman Mitchell, Barry Cryer, Guy Deghy, Cud Child, Tony Gubba, Marie Sutherland
After somewhat disappointing earlier episodes about the Commonwealth Games and Winter Olympics, the Goodies saved their sporting best for a very well pieced-together and quite amusing treatment of the Summer Olympic Games, with other issues like fundraising, casino gambling, the British sporting losers mentality, street crime and Graeme's brilliantly appalling Kerry Thwacker impersonation all adding up to a very enjoyable episode.
IIII     Officially Amazing
IIIII - Superstar.
IIII - Officially amazing.
III   - Goody goody yum yum.
II    - Fair-y punkmother.
I     - Tripe on t' pikelets.
AUGUST Episode Summary –
U-Friend or UFO
(by Linda Kay)
Issue 166
4th August, 1973 No. 54
As we've seen in past reviews of the Cor!! comics there were many times the stories in the comics were similar to ideas used in the television series. Some came after the Goodies' interpretations and others, like the comic we'll be reviewing this month, pre-dated the Goodies take on the same subject. This time it's the Abominable Snowman the Goodies are searching for ... in several years time the Goodies would be searching for Bigfoot, the American equivalent of the mythical beast. A search for Arthur C. Clarke did not figure in this particular comic adventure, however.
Cover banner: "Goody-Goody! TV Stars "The Goodies" Appear Inside!"
The Goodies are seen suffering from the heat in their office (the sun beating through the window, the wilting plant on the sill, Tim wiping away perspiration with flies hovering around his head and a ceiling fan going above them are all evidence of this ... also they're all wearing Goodies t-shirts!). A scientific explorer enters quickly and is in distress.
SCIENTIST: I say, Goodies ... our captive *Abominable Snowman* has escaped ... we're afraid he might *melt* in this blazing heat!
The scientist produces a cement casting of a giant foot, which Graeme examines.
SCIENTIST: Here's how you can track it down! That's the kind of footprint it leaves! Get to it. There's good chaps!
GRAEME: Leave it to us!
Graeme works feverishly using the footprint mold to make Plaster of Paris copies of the feet. Bill gets splashed in the face with some of the mixture as Tim examines one of the finished feet.
BILL: Aha! What's *AFOOT*?
GRAEME: Well ... if you cast your eye over what I'm doing, you'll see I've a *hand* in something brewing!
TIM: Can it be another famous Goodies plan?
Graeme takes the finished feet and attaches them to the back tire rim on the trandem as Tim and Bill watch.
GRAEME: Now we can ride all around and make the Yeti think we're another snowman ... he'll follow our tracks and we'll capture him!
BILL: 'pon my "sole"! It just might work!
The Goodies ride around on the trandem leaving a trail of Yeti prints behind them.
BILL: Wow! Look at those tracks!
TIM: We'll capture that Yeti yet!
The Goodies, exhausted and overheated, come across an ice cream van with a seemingly very large ice cream salesman inside.
GRAEME: Phew! This is hot work! Let's stop for an ice cream!
BILL: Can we have cornets? With strawberry sauce and a choccy flake?
Tim approaches the ice cream truck to be confronted by the sight of a huge, hairy ice cream vendor.
TIM (Thought balloon): Gosh! What an ugly customer! (Speaking) Er ... three choc-flake cornets, please!
The hairy vendor (who is of course the Yeti in disguise) shoves a large amount of ice cream in Tim's face as Bill and Graeme watch calmly.
The ice cream truck races away, leaving Tim covered in ice cream. The truck pulling away also reveals the real ice cream salesman tied to a post and gagged, his clothes missing. Graeme points accusingly at the fleeing truck as Bill jumps up and down in aggravation.
BILL: You forgot the choccy flakes, you twit!
GRAEME: Here's the real driver! It's the *Abominable Snowman* in the van! After him!
The ice cream van speeds through town (its music playing all the way) as the Goodies race after it on the trandem.
TIM: Stop, Yeti, stop!
BILL: Yeah ... I want a choc ice!
The Goodies speed through an intersection, ripping the pants of a policeman who is directing traffic. The scientific explorer eyes the faux Yeti prints the Goodies trandem have left with his magnifying glass as Big Ben is about the chime three o'clock in the background.
SCIENTIST: Goodness ... Yeti tracks right here in London! I'll get after the boundah!
Big Ben starts to chime, which makes the Yeti think a gigantic ice cream truck is coming and causes him to slam on the brakes. The Goodies speed toward the back of the van without much chance to stop in time.
YETI: Ugh! Lotta chimes! Must be *giant ice cream van*! Better stop!
TIM: Eek! On with the brakes!
The van has come to a complete stop and the Goodies barrel into the back of it, knocking the sign off the van and flinging ice cream supplies everywhere.
BILL: Augh! Too late!
A policeman happens along and confronts the ice cream van driver, oblivious to the fact it's the Yeti in disguise.
OFFICER: I'm afraid you'll have to come along with me, sir! I'm arrestin' you for dangerous drivin'!
YETI: *Gulp!*
As the officer begins to take the Yeti away the scientist arrives on the scene and stops him.
SCIENTIST: I say, constable . . I claim that creature in the name of science and British justice! By the way, have you seen The Goodies?
The Goodies walk out of the back of the ice cream van, each of them frozen solid. The scientist falls over backwards at the sight of them as the Yeti hugs the policeman's head and laughs out loud.
SCIENTIST: Oh, no! I started after one abominable snowman ... now I've got four!
Sign-Off Line: Will The Goodies Get In An Abominable Mess Again Next Week?
III - Goody goody yum yum.
While this isn't the strongest story in the world there's enough fun stuff going on, especially in the backgrounds, to keep this an entertaining bit of comedy. Graeme's animated way of pouring Plaster of Paris (especially splashing it in Bill's face) is pretty funny. When the Goodies are racing around on the trandem leaving the Yeti prints, they run over a field (startling a horse), onto a road where they run over the top of an automobile and then zoom back up the hill. A sign on the side of the "O-So-Frosty" *free range* ice cream truck offers such flavors as "Arctic Cor!!net," "Arctic Wafer," "Zerochoc" and "Fruty-Toot." Even more clever, the license plate on the back of the ice cream van reads "YET 1."
When Tim opens his coin purse to pay for the cornets, several moths fly out! The Yeti wears an ice cream vendor's hat which reads "Stay Cool." As the ice cream van races away and then zooms through London it leaves a trail of ice cream cones flying out the window. The van barely misses a businessman who has his nose buried in a newspaper as he walks on a zebra crossing (as a dog tied to a pole barks at him). Big Ben is shown with birds flying away from it as a shot of steam comes from one corner and the sound effects say "WHIRRRR - click:   (wait for it ......
) and then goes "DING-DONG" in the next panel (compared to the ice cream truck's constant "ding-dong" type sound effects). It also appears there is a For Sale sign on the landmark! The policeman directing traffic is left standing in polka-dot boxers after the Goodies accidentally rip his pants off, much to the surprise of an Indian gentleman standing nearby. On the double decker bus in the background an advertisement reads "Schmoo Washes White." The bus driver is signaling right (and his hand goes right through the glass window on that side!) and his passengers on the upper deck are made up of an interesting assortment of characters ... one appears to be a superhero of some kind, another a skeleton, and yet another a German soldier.
As the ice cream van screeches to a halt, it barely misses a mouse in the roadway who stands with his arms out as it braces for the worst. Finally in the last panel a fully-suited astronaut waits casually for a bus while reading a newspaper. Overall this is a very animated and fun comic, well suited for the hot summer month during which it was published.
To view these strips online, you can visit this page:
We'll post the currently reviewed issue plus the two previous issues for latecomers.
(a) Tim Brooke-Taylor
(b) "Aw, we're not going to Bognor again, are we?!"
(c) That Old Black Magic
(d) A record turntable
(e) Lady Constance de Coverlet
(f) Needed
(g) It gets shot
(h) Happy Families
8    Goodies fan supreme
7    Mastermind of the year
5-6 Clever clogs
3-4 Reasonably Goodie
1-2 Thick as old boots
0    Rolf Harris!
NEXT C&G EDITION: #105: 12th August 2004.
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